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Lose Belly fat, Thigh fat and Hip fat with 1 Simple Exercise

Do you face problems in choosing the ideal dress for you due to belly fat? Do you feel embarrassed because your body parts look different from other due to excess fat? If it is so, what will be your next step? It is quite obvious that you make a plan to go to gym. But do you have time to go to the gym and perform exercise?

Do not worry, it is because without going to the gym you can lose your belly, hip, thigh, and breast fat. All you need to do is devotee quality of time in performing the one simple exercise. Before moving to exercise for losing hip, thigh, breast, and belly fat, it is essential to know the reasons. 

So, let us discuss the reasons one by one:


Reasons of the hip fat 

If you have excess fat, you may face problems in wearing and finding the accurate size for jeans. Additionally with the heavy hips, you cannot wear your favorite dresses, mainly the skin-fit. There are various reasons associated with hip fat that include:


  • Eating the wrong food
  • Lack of physical activity 
  • Less consumption of water 
  • Improper thyroid functioning 
  • Medical Ailments and many more. 

Due to all these reasons, you may experience an excess of fat on your hip area which looks very awkward and also spoils the overall personality.


Reasons of thigh fat

Thigh fat is another disgrace on the body shape of women. Most of the women have excess fat in thigh areas but they have slim-legs. As a result, when they go shopping for jeans, they end up buying extra sizes. They wear jeans which fit from their thighs and loose from the legs. 

Apart from that, here come the reasons associated with thigh fat that include:


  • Estrogen 
  • Take more calories


Reasons of belly fat

Most of the masses, mainly the women, suffer from belly fat. Belly fat or obesity is the house of ailments. With belly fat, you may suffer from various problems which are beyond your thinking level. Hence, it is essential that you need to cope up with this problem. Without knowing reasons how you can work on belly fat? Here come the reasons that are associated with belly fat. 


  • Poor diet 
  • Consumption of too much alcohol 
  • Lack of exercise
  • Stress 
  • Lack of sleep 

After knowing all these reasons, here is one best exercise to reduce fat. All you need to do is follow all the instructions that are given below properly so that all your fat related problems will go in vain.


For the old people




Belly Fat , Hip fat and thigh Fat

Firstly lay down in the position as shown in the image. Do not bend your neck but keep it straight. Further, straight your back too instead of bending. To perform this exercise, squeeze the belly exhaling. Further your body should be straight while doing this exercise. Do this exercise for one minute, then increase your limit. 


Fit for all the exercise:



The below-mentioned exercise is ideal for those masses who can perform any of the exercises. Your position will remain the same but keep your one leg forward and do the push-ups. The same step you need to perform with another leg. It is one of the easier exercises that you can do. Do this exercise ten times. Increase the repetition with the passage of time.

Do any of these exercises as per your capability. Over time, increase the time-limit of exercise according to your tendency. So, do these two exercises and get rid of the fat. 

In the end, these exercises are useful and you can do as per your preference. You will surely observe the result with the passage of time.    


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