WEIGHT LOSS while sleeping

5 Best Pillow Sleeping Exercises For Belly Fat : Lose Belly Fat

I will tell you sleeping technique today.


How you should sleep daily for 5 to 10 minutes, that will correct your posture.


Usually, we stay occupied in phone computers, which makes the posture incorrect and results, fat stores on the belly, as well as other difficulties start and belly fat start to be seen.


By sitting in such posture, belly fat will increase, but you didn’t notice the way you sleep, these ways may be wrong.


Sleeping Pillow Exercises:


For this reason, belly fat or full-body fat store faster, if you correct these things, then your posture will never be spoiled and the body fat won’t store in wrong points.


Fat stores at a point due to that, you don’t do movement like stretching, contraction, then how it will be okay?



So, how to lie down?


If your posture is wrong, belly fat is seen, then this technique will correct your posture and lose belly fat.


First Exercise:


weight loss

Take two pillows, you can watch your phone in this technique, no problem, take such 2 pillows, now sit in the position.


The heel will be outward like sitting in Vajrasana, sit in this position and then take the legs outward, keep the pillows touching you and slowly lie down.


The little stretch will be felt while doing 1st time but will feel good when you keep doing for some days.


Later, you won’t feel stretched rather feel good.


But not necessary while doing anything good for your body, so you can ignore it.


Try to complete 1 minute this way.


Hold the position, inhale by the nose, exhale by mouth.


Completing it and get up.


Second Exercise:


weight loss

Now remove one pillow and keep another one, put the neck on the pillow, hands this way, and lift the legs up this way.(shown in the picture above)


Hold for 1 minute.


The technique I told you what will it do?


It will give the correct shape and posture to the spoiled spine lying in this position.


Third Exercise:


weight loss


Do same as shown in the picture above.


Continue for 1 minute, keep inhaling and exhaling deeply.


Fourth Exercise:


weight loss


Open your legs, keep the legs attached to each other, keep the legs opened and hold the position.


Fifth Exercise:


weight loss

Now lift your legs and try to touch them from the bottom as shown in the picture above.


Hold for 1 minute.


Now take rest of 5-10 minutes.




weight loss

Keep inhaling and exhaling deeply and stay relaxed, get faster results by closing the eyes.


If you start doing this technique, if fat is seen in the tummy and spoiled body posture will be solved by this technique and you will get a proper curve.


Fat will be melting fast, you can follow these steps and soon you can lose fat.


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If you are troubled by your obesity then you can also read the rest of my blogs on my website and if you want detailed information then you can watch videos on my Youtube channel Health city.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I reduce my belly fat fast?

  • Do regular exercise
  • Avoid too much sugary and salty food
  • Drink enough water
  • Follow the diet 

What causes belly fat the most?

  • Lack of exercise
  • Overeating
  • Stress and tension
  • Poor Diet

Am I fat if I have a belly?

Yes, walking helps you in losing weight. After 7 days of walking, you can check your belly and see the results.

Is a little belly fat normal?

Yes, it is normal , in fact it is healthy for you. But so much of belly fat is not good but healthy.

How can I reduce my tummy?

  1. Drink enough water
  2. Eat green vegetables
  3. Avoid sugary foods
  4. Reduce your stress level

Is a flat stomach normal?

Yes, it is normal. You don’t need to be worry. It’s normal and good for your body.


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for more health topics, check our other blogs.

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